Family tree of Agustin V. ZAMORANO

American Civil War, Mexican-American War, War of 1812

MexicanBorn Agustin Juan Vincente ZAMORANO

Printer, soldier, and provisional Comandante General in the north of Alta California

Born on May 5, 1798 in St Augustine, Spanish Florida , United States

Died on September 16, 1842 in San Diego, Alta California , United States

Family tree

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More information

Agustín Zamorano was born in Spanish Florida to Spanish parents within the Spanish colonial Viceroyalty of New Spain. He entered the newly independent Mexican army May 1, 1821, as a cadet, where he served in Mexico.

He then came north in 1825 to the Mexican territory of Alta California, as Secretary of State to Governor José María Echeandía. He served until 1831, during which he would create and print official letterhead, using woodblocks and type, without a printing press.

...   Agustín Zamorano was born in Spanish Florida to Spanish parents within the Spanish colonial Viceroyalty of New Spain. He entered the newly independent Mexican army May 1, 1821, as a cadet, where he served in Mexico.

He then came north in 1825 to the Mexican territory of Alta California, as Secretary of State to Governor José María Echeandía. He served until 1831, during which he would create and print official letterhead, using woodblocks and type, without a printing press.

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Geographical origins

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