Photo of Charles Adolphe WURTZ

Family tree of Charles Adolphe WURTZ

Physician, Chemist

FrenchBorn Charles Adolphe WURTZ

Alsatian French chemist

Born on September 26, 1817 in Strasbourg , France

Died on May 12, 1884 in Paris , France

Family tree

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More information

Adolphe Wurtz (he never used the name "Charles") was born in Strasbourg, where his father, Johann Jacob (Jean Jacques) Wurtz, was a Lutheran pastor in the nearby town of Wolfisheim. When he left the Protestant gymnasium at Strasbourg in 1834, his father allowed him to study medicine as next best to theology. ...   Adolphe Wurtz (he never used the name "Charles") was born in Strasbourg, where his father, Johann Jacob (Jean Jacques) Wurtz, was a Lutheran pastor in the nearby town of Wolfisheim. When he left the Protestant gymnasium at Strasbourg in 1834, his father allowed him to study medicine as next best to theology.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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