Photo of Robin WRIGHT

Family tree of Robin WRIGHT


AmericanBorn Robin Gayle WRIGHT

American film actress

Born on April 8, 1966 in Dallas, Texas, USA , United States (58 years)

Family tree

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More information

Wright was born Robin Gayle Wright in Dallas, Texas, the daughter of Gayle (née Gaston), a national director in Mary Kay cosmetics salesforce, and Freddie Gayle Wright, a pharmaceutical executive. She was raised in San Diego, California. She attended La Jolla High School in La Jolla, California. ...   Wright was born Robin Gayle Wright in Dallas, Texas, the daughter of Gayle (née Gaston), a national director in Mary Kay cosmetics salesforce, and Freddie Gayle Wright, a pharmaceutical executive. She was raised in San Diego, California. She attended La Jolla High School in La Jolla, California.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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