Family tree of William WILLIAMS
American politician
Born William WILLIAMS
American merchant, and a delegate for Connecticut to the Continental Congress in 1776, and a signatory of the Declaration of Independence
Born on April 8, 1731 in Lebanon, Connecticut , United States
Died on August 2, 1811 in Lebanon, Connecticut , United States
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On February 14, 1771, and almost 40 he married Mary Trumbull, age 25. She was daughter of Jonathan Trumbull, Royal Governor, and an American politician who served as the second speaker at the United States House of Representatives. Mary Trumbull and William Williams had three children, Solomon, born 1772; Faith; 1774; and William Trumbull; 1777.
... Williams was born in Lebanon, Connecticut, the son of a minister, Tim Solomon Williams, and Mary Porter. He studied theology and achieved law school from Harvard in 1751. He continued preparing for the ministry for a year, but then joined the militia to fight in the French and Indian War. After the war, he opened a store in Lebanon, which he called The Williams Inc.
On February 14, 1771, and almost 40 he married Mary Trumbull, age 25. She was daughter of Jonathan Trumbull, Royal Governor, and an American politician who served as the second speaker at the United States House of Representatives. Mary Trumbull and William Williams had three children, Solomon, born 1772; Faith; 1774; and William Trumbull; 1777.
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