Family tree of Dan and Farris WILKS
Industrialist, Businessman
Born Dan and Farris WILKS
American energy industry entrepreneurs
Born on May 30, 1956 in Eastland Co., Texas, USA , United States (68 years)
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Dan Howard Wilks and Farris Cullen Wilks, also known as the Wilks Brothers, are American energy industry entrepreneurs. The brothers established Wilks Masonry in 1995. They went on to found an early hydraulic fracking company, Frac Tech, in 2002, and eventually became billionaires. In 2011 they sold their 70% interest in Frac Tech for $3.5 billion. The brothers, sons of a bricklayer, reside in Cisco in Eastland County east of Abilene, Texas.
Dan Howard Wilks and Farris Cullen Wilks, also known as the Wilks Brothers, are American energy industry entrepreneurs. The brothers established Wilks Masonry in 1995. They went on to found an early hydraulic fracking company, Frac Tech, in 2002, and eventually became billionaires. In 2011 they sold their 70% interest in Frac Tech for $3.5 billion. The brothers, sons of a bricklayer, reside in Cisco in Eastland County east of Abilene, Texas.
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