Pierre WEISS

Family tree of Pierre WEISS


FrenchBorn Pierre Ernest WEISS

French physicist

Born on March 25, 1865 in Mulhouse, Haut Rhin , France

Died on October 30, 1940 in Lyon, Rhône , France

Family tree

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More information

Pierre Weiss was born in Mulhouse the 25 March of 1865, first born of Emile Weiss and Ida Schlumberger. At the age of 5, Alsace was annexed to Germany. Weiss conducts his secondary studies at Mulhouse. He left later to continue higher education at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH), where he obtains the diploma of mechanical engineer in 1887 as the first in the grade ranking of his class. At the age of majority, he decides to take the French nationality instead of the German one. ...   Pierre Weiss was born in Mulhouse the 25 March of 1865, first born of Emile Weiss and Ida Schlumberger. At the age of 5, Alsace was annexed to Germany. Weiss conducts his secondary studies at Mulhouse. He left later to continue higher education at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH), where he obtains the diploma of mechanical engineer in 1887 as the first in the grade ranking of his class. At the age of majority, he decides to take the French nationality instead of the German one.

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Geographical origins

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