Cadwallader C. WASHBURN

Family tree of Cadwallader C. WASHBURN

American politician, Industrialist, Businessman , American Civil War, Mexican-American War, War of 1812

AmericanBorn Cadwallader Colden WASHBURN

American businessman, politician, and soldier noted for founding what would later become General Mills

Born on April 22, 1818 in Livermore, Maine, USA , United States

Died on May 15, 1882 in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, USA

Family tree

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More information

Washburn was born in Livermore, Maine, the son of Martha (née Benjamin) and Israel Washburn. Washburn attended school in Wiscasset, Maine, and later taught there in 1838–1839. In 1839 he moved to Davenport, Iowa. There he helped in the geological survey of the state before moving to Rock Island, Illinois to study law. In 1840 he was elected surveyor of Rock Island County. Two years later, he was admitted to the bar and moved to Mineral Point, Wisconsin where he began a legal practice. ...   Washburn was born in Livermore, Maine, the son of Martha (née Benjamin) and Israel Washburn. Washburn attended school in Wiscasset, Maine, and later taught there in 1838–1839. In 1839 he moved to Davenport, Iowa. There he helped in the geological survey of the state before moving to Rock Island, Illinois to study law. In 1840 he was elected surveyor of Rock Island County. Two years later, he was admitted to the bar and moved to Mineral Point, Wisconsin where he began a legal practice.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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