Photo of Dee Dee WARWICK

Family tree of Dee Dee WARWICK

Singer & Musician

AmericanBorn Delia Mae WARRICK

American soul singer

Born on September 25, 1942 in Newark, New Jersey, USA , United States

Died on October 18, 2008 in Essex County, New Jersey, USA

Family tree

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More information

Warwick was born in East Orange, New Jersey, to Mancel Warwick (1911–1977), who began his career as a Pullman porter and subsequently became a chef, a gospel record promoter for Chess Records and later a Certified Public Accountant; and Lee Drinkard Warwick (1920–2005), manager of The Drinkard Singers. Warwick had one sister, Dionne Warwick, and a brother, Mancel Jr., who was killed in an accident in 1968 at the age of 21.. She was of African American, Native American, Brazilian and Dutch descent.

Dee Dee Warwick sang with her sister Dionne Warwick and their aunt Cissy Houston in the New Hope Baptist Church Choir in Newark, New Jersey: eventually the three women formed the gospel trio the Gospelaires, who often performed with the Drinkard Singers, Houston being a member of both groups.

...   Warwick was born in East Orange, New Jersey, to Mancel Warwick (1911–1977), who began his career as a Pullman porter and subsequently became a chef, a gospel record promoter for Chess Records and later a Certified Public Accountant; and Lee Drinkard Warwick (1920–2005), manager of The Drinkard Singers. Warwick had one sister, Dionne Warwick, and a brother, Mancel Jr., who was killed in an accident in 1968 at the age of 21.. She was of African American, Native American, Brazilian and Dutch descent.

Dee Dee Warwick sang with her sister Dionne Warwick and their aunt Cissy Houston in the New Hope Baptist Church Choir in Newark, New Jersey: eventually the three women formed the gospel trio the Gospelaires, who often performed with the Drinkard Singers, Houston being a member of both groups.

At a performance by the Gospelaires with the Drinkard Singers at the Apollo Theater in 1959, the Warwick sisters were recruited by a record producer for session work and Dionne and Dee Dee Warwick, along with Doris Troy, subsequently became a prolific New York City area session singing team.

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Geographical origins

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