Family tree of Miriam A. FERGUSON
American politician
Born Miriam Amanda WALLACE
First female Governor of Texas in 1925
Born on June 13, 1875 in Bell County, Texas, USA , United States
Died on June 25, 1961 in Austin, Texas, USA
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Ferguson was born Miriam Amanda Wallace in Bell County, Texas. She studied at Salado College and Baylor Female College. When she was 24, she married James Edward Ferguson, who was then a lawyer.
She got her nickname "Ma" partly from her initials "M. A.", and also because her husband was known as "Pa" Ferguson. The couple had no children.
... Ferguson was born Miriam Amanda Wallace in Bell County, Texas. She studied at Salado College and Baylor Female College. When she was 24, she married James Edward Ferguson, who was then a lawyer.
She got her nickname "Ma" partly from her initials "M. A.", and also because her husband was known as "Pa" Ferguson. The couple had no children.
She got her nickname "Ma" partly from her initials "M. A.", and also because her husband was known as "Pa" Ferguson. The couple had no children.
... Ferguson was born Miriam Amanda Wallace in Bell County, Texas. She studied at Salado College and Baylor Female College. When she was 24, she married James Edward Ferguson, who was then a lawyer.
She got her nickname "Ma" partly from her initials "M. A.", and also because her husband was known as "Pa" Ferguson. The couple had no children.
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