Photo of Carl August VON HARDENBERG

Family tree of Carl August VON HARDENBERG

German and Austrian politician

GermanBorn Carl August VON HARDENBERG

Prussian statesman and Prime Minister of Prussia

Born on May 31, 1750 in Essenrode, Deutschland , Germany

Died on November 26, 1822 in Genua, Italien , Italy

Family tree

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More information

Hardenberg was born at Essenrode (now a part of Lehre) near Hanover. After studying at Leipzig and Göttingen he entered the Hanoverian civil service in 1770 as councillor of the board of domains (Kammerrat); but, finding his advancement slow, he set out — on the advice of King George III of the United Kingdom — on a series of travels, spending some time at Wetzlar, Regensburg (where he studied the mechanism of the Imperial government), Vienna and Berlin. He also visited France, the Dutch Republic and Great Britain, where he was received kindly by the King. On his return, he ...   Hardenberg was born at Essenrode (now a part of Lehre) near Hanover. After studying at Leipzig and Göttingen he entered the Hanoverian civil service in 1770 as councillor of the board of domains (Kammerrat); but, finding his advancement slow, he set out — on the advice of King George III of the United Kingdom — on a series of travels, spending some time at Wetzlar, Regensburg (where he studied the mechanism of the Imperial government), Vienna and Berlin. He also visited France, the Dutch Republic and Great Britain, where he was received kindly by the King. On his return, he married, at his father's suggestion, the Countess Reventlow.

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Geographical origins

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