Photo of Thomas VOECKLER

Family tree of Thomas VOECKLER

Cycling, Medals - World champion, European champion, national champion

FrenchBorn Thomas VOECKLER

French professional road racing cyclist

Born on June 20, 1979 in Schiltigheim , France (45 years)

Family tree

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Born in Schiltigheim, Bas-Rhin, Voeckler has been a professional cyclist since 2001. He comes from the Alsace region of France but later moved to Martinique, where he was nicknamed "Ti-Blanc" (a contraction of petit blanc, the literal translation of which is "little white") due to his small stature and pale complexion. ...   Born in Schiltigheim, Bas-Rhin, Voeckler has been a professional cyclist since 2001. He comes from the Alsace region of France but later moved to Martinique, where he was nicknamed "Ti-Blanc" (a contraction of petit blanc, the literal translation of which is "little white") due to his small stature and pale complexion.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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