Photo of Pinto COLVIG

Family tree of Pinto COLVIG


AmericanBorn Vance DeBar COLVIG

American vaudeville actor, radio actor, newspaper cartoonist, prolific movie voice actor, and circus performer

Born on September 11, 1892 in Jacksonville, Oregon, USA , United States

Died on October 3, 1967 in Woodland Hills, California, USA

Family tree

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Colvig was born Vance DeBar Colvig in Jacksonville, Oregon, one of seven children of Judge William Mason Colvig (1845–1936) and wife Adelaide Birdseye Colvig (1856–1912). He graduated from Oregon State University in 1911 at age 18.

After marrying Margaret Bourke Slavin (1892–1950) in 1916, he settled with his wife in San Francisco, where four of their five boys were born (their last son was born in Los Angeles).

...   Colvig was born Vance DeBar Colvig in Jacksonville, Oregon, one of seven children of Judge William Mason Colvig (1845–1936) and wife Adelaide Birdseye Colvig (1856–1912). He graduated from Oregon State University in 1911 at age 18.

After marrying Margaret Bourke Slavin (1892–1950) in 1916, he settled with his wife in San Francisco, where four of their five boys were born (their last son was born in Los Angeles).

A lifelong smoker, Colvig was one of the pioneers in advocating warning labels about cancer risk on cigarette packages in the United States.

Colving was the father of the actor Vance Colvig who died on March 3, 1991.

in 1916, Pinto Colvig worked with Byington Ford and Benjamin Thackston Knight at the Animated Film Corp in San Francisco. The company produced animated cartoons long before Walt Disney. Colvig is probably best known as the original voice of Disney's Goofy and the original Bozo the Clown, a part he played for a full decade beginning in 1946. He is also the second known voice of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit. Other notable characters he voiced include Practical Pig, the pig who built the "house of bricks" in the Disney short Three Little Pigs, as well as both Sleepy and Grumpy in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and the barks for Pluto the dog. Colvig worked for not only the Disney studio, but also the Warner Bros. animation studio, Fleischer Studios (Bluto, Gabby), and MGM, where he voiced a Munchkin in The Wizard of Oz. He helped in the Looney Tunes 1942 cartoon, Conrad the Sailor.

In 1922, Colvig did a newspaper cartoon panel titled "Life on the Radio Wave" for the San Francisco Chronicle. The feature ran 3-4 times per week on the newspaper's radio page, and lasted six months.

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Geographical origins

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