Family tree of Achiel VAN ACKER

Belgian, Dutch, Luxembourger and Swiss politician

BelgianBorn Achille Honoré VAN ACKER

33rd Prime Minister of Belgium

Born on April 8, 1898 in Brugge, België

Died on July 10, 1975 in Brugge, België

Family tree

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More information

Van Acker was born in Bruges in a family with 12 children. Van Acker only went to school until his 10th year. Van Acker became a member of the city council of Bruges in 1926. The following year the 29-year-old Van Acker was elected to the Belgian Chamber of People's Representatives. During the Second World War, Van Acker organised the Vlaamse Centrale der Illegale Partij. In December 1944, while serving as a government minister, Van Acker implemented Belgium's social security system. ...   Van Acker was born in Bruges in a family with 12 children. Van Acker only went to school until his 10th year. Van Acker became a member of the city council of Bruges in 1926. The following year the 29-year-old Van Acker was elected to the Belgian Chamber of People's Representatives. During the Second World War, Van Acker organised the Vlaamse Centrale der Illegale Partij. In December 1944, while serving as a government minister, Van Acker implemented Belgium's social security system.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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