Lyon Gardiner TYLER

Family tree of Lyon Gardiner TYLER

Sciences - Other

AmericanBorn Lyon Gardiner TYLER

American educator and historian, president of the College of William & Mary

Born on August 24, 1853 in Charles City County, Virginia, USA , United States

Died on February 12, 1935 in Charles City County, Virginia, USA

Family tree

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He was the son of President John Tyler and First Lady Julia Gardiner Tyler, born at Sherwood Forest Plantation. He graduated in 1875 at the University of Virginia. From 1888 to 1919, he served as the 17th president of the College of William and Mary (W&M), and is widely credited for restoring the college's financial condition following the deterioration which took place in the wake of the American Civil War. He was married twice, first to the former Anne Baker Tucker, with whom he had three children, John Tyler, Elizabeth Gilmour Tyler, and Julia Gardiner Tyler Wilson, one of the ...   He was the son of President John Tyler and First Lady Julia Gardiner Tyler, born at Sherwood Forest Plantation. He graduated in 1875 at the University of Virginia. From 1888 to 1919, he served as the 17th president of the College of William and Mary (W&M), and is widely credited for restoring the college's financial condition following the deterioration which took place in the wake of the American Civil War. He was married twice, first to the former Anne Baker Tucker, with whom he had three children, John Tyler, Elizabeth Gilmour Tyler, and Julia Gardiner Tyler Wilson, one of the Kappa Delta founders. Following Anne's death in 1921, he married the former Sue Ruffin, with whom he had three children, Lyon Gardiner Tyler, Jr., Harrison Ruffin Tyler, and Henry Tyler, who died in infancy.

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Geographical origins

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