Photo of Louis Félix Etienne TURGOT

Family tree of Louis Félix Etienne TURGOT

Ambassador, Diplomat, Civil servant

FrenchBorn Louis Félix Etienne TURGOT

French diplomat and politician

Born on September 26, 1796 in Falaise, France , France

Died on October 2, 1866 in Versailles,France

Family tree

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He was the son of Etienne-François Turgot (1721–1788), marquis de Sousmont; his great-uncle was Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, Baron de Laune; his great grandfather was Michel-Étienne Turgot. He married Louise Mouton de Lobau, in 1830, daughter of Georges Mouton, comte Lobau. He had children Jacques-Louis Turgot, who married Tecla de Montaignac in 1867; and Madame Dubois de L'Estaing. ...   He was the son of Etienne-François Turgot (1721–1788), marquis de Sousmont; his great-uncle was Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, Baron de Laune; his great grandfather was Michel-Étienne Turgot. He married Louise Mouton de Lobau, in 1830, daughter of Georges Mouton, comte Lobau. He had children Jacques-Louis Turgot, who married Tecla de Montaignac in 1867; and Madame Dubois de L'Estaing.

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Geographical origins

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