Family tree of Pauls TOUTONGHI
Born Pauls Harijs TOUTONGHI
American fiction and non-fiction writer
Born on July 4, 1976 (48 years)
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He was born in America to immigrant parents. Pauls' mother emigrated from Latvia, while his father emigrated from Egypt.
His first novel, Red Weather, was published by Random House/Shaye Areheart Books in 2006. His second, Evel Knievel Days, was published by Random House/Crown in 2012.
... He was born in America to immigrant parents. Pauls' mother emigrated from Latvia, while his father emigrated from Egypt.
His first novel, Red Weather, was published by Random House/Shaye Areheart Books in 2006. His second, Evel Knievel Days, was published by Random House/Crown in 2012.
Red Weather was widely—and favorably—reviewed. Toutonghi has published work in Sports Illustrated, The Burnside Review, Glimmer Train, The Boston Review and One Story Magazine. His story, Regeneration won a Pushcart Prize in 2000.
His first novel, Red Weather, was published by Random House/Shaye Areheart Books in 2006. His second, Evel Knievel Days, was published by Random House/Crown in 2012.
... He was born in America to immigrant parents. Pauls' mother emigrated from Latvia, while his father emigrated from Egypt.
His first novel, Red Weather, was published by Random House/Shaye Areheart Books in 2006. His second, Evel Knievel Days, was published by Random House/Crown in 2012.
Red Weather was widely—and favorably—reviewed. Toutonghi has published work in Sports Illustrated, The Burnside Review, Glimmer Train, The Boston Review and One Story Magazine. His story, Regeneration won a Pushcart Prize in 2000.
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