Photo of Leopoldo TORLONIA

Family tree of Leopoldo TORLONIA

Italian politician

ItalianBorn Leopoldo, Carlo TORLONIA

Italian nobleman and politician

Born on July 25, 1853 in Roma, Lazio, Italia

Died on October 23, 1918 in Frascati, Roma, Lazio, Italia

Family tree

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More information

Leopoldo Torlonia (25 July 1853—23 October 1918) was an Italian nobleman and politician, who was Mayor of Rome from May 1882 to May 1887.

He was the third duke of Poli and of Guadagnolo.

...   Leopoldo Torlonia (25 July 1853—23 October 1918) was an Italian nobleman and politician, who was Mayor of Rome from May 1882 to May 1887.

He was the third duke of Poli and of Guadagnolo.

He was dismissed from office in 1887 by then Prime Minister Francesco Crispi for congratulating Pope Leo XIII on his Jubilee.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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