Johan Rudolph THORBECKE

Family tree of Johan Rudolph THORBECKE

Belgian, Dutch, Luxembourger and Swiss politician

DutchBorn Johan Rudolph THORBECKE

Dutch politician, Prime Minister of the Netherlands

Born on January 14, 1798 in Zwolle, Overijssel , Netherlands

Died on June 4, 1872 in 's-Gravenhage, Zuid-Holland , Netherlands

Family tree

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His father Frederik Willem was a Lutheran tobacco manufacturer of German descent, while his mother Christine Regina was born in the Lower Saxon Osnabrück. Frederik Willem's business suffered badly from the anti-British policies of the French occupiers, and his tobacco factory went bankrupt in 1803. ...   His father Frederik Willem was a Lutheran tobacco manufacturer of German descent, while his mother Christine Regina was born in the Lower Saxon Osnabrück. Frederik Willem's business suffered badly from the anti-British policies of the French occupiers, and his tobacco factory went bankrupt in 1803.

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Geographical origins

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