Photo of Félix THIOLLIER

Family tree of Félix THIOLLIER

Photographer, Sciences - Other, Publisher, Producer

FrenchBorn Félix Maurice THIOLLIER

French industrialist, writer, art collector and photographer

Born on June 28, 1842 in Saint-Etienne, France , France

Died on May 12, 1914 in Saint-Etienne, France

Family tree

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More information

In 1857, he started a ribbon company in Saint Étienne. At age 37 he retired and pursued his interests in art, archeology and photography. His photography was influenced by the work of Camille Corot and he befriended Auguste Ravier, Paul Borel, Jean-Paul Laurens and François Guiguet. ...   In 1857, he started a ribbon company in Saint Étienne. At age 37 he retired and pursued his interests in art, archeology and photography. His photography was influenced by the work of Camille Corot and he befriended Auguste Ravier, Paul Borel, Jean-Paul Laurens and François Guiguet.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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