Photo of Herman TEIRLINCK

Family tree of Herman TEIRLINCK


BelgianBorn Herman Louis Cesar TEIRLINCK

Belgian writer

Born on February 24, 1879 in Sint-Jans-Molenbeek , Belgium

Died on February 4, 1967 in Beersel , Belgium

Family tree

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More information

From 1886 until 1890 he went to the primary school Karel Buls in Brussels. He went to high school at the Koninklijk Athenaeum (E: royal athenaeum) in Brussels, where he studied Greek and Latin. One of his teachers was Hyppoliet Meert, a Flamingant and language purist. ...   From 1886 until 1890 he went to the primary school Karel Buls in Brussels. He went to high school at the Koninklijk Athenaeum (E: royal athenaeum) in Brussels, where he studied Greek and Latin. One of his teachers was Hyppoliet Meert, a Flamingant and language purist.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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