Photo of Roger STONE

Family tree of Roger STONE


AmericanBorn Roger Jason STONE

American political consultant, lobbyist and strategist

Born on August 27, 1952 in Norwalk, Connecticut , United States (72 years)

Family tree

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More information

Stone was born on August 27, 1952 in Norwalk, Connecticut, the son of Gloria Rose (Corbo) and Roger J. Stone. Stone grew up in Lewisboro, New York, in a family of Hungarian and Italian descent. His mother was a small-town reporter, his father a well driller and business owner. He has described his family as middle-class, blue-collar Catholics.

In the first grade, Stone claims, he broke into politics to further John F. Kennedy's presidential campaign: "I remember going through the cafeteria line and telling every kid that Nixon was in favor of school on Saturdays ... It was my first political trick."

...   Stone was born on August 27, 1952 in Norwalk, Connecticut, the son of Gloria Rose (Corbo) and Roger J. Stone. Stone grew up in Lewisboro, New York, in a family of Hungarian and Italian descent. His mother was a small-town reporter, his father a well driller and business owner. He has described his family as middle-class, blue-collar Catholics.

In the first grade, Stone claims, he broke into politics to further John F. Kennedy's presidential campaign: "I remember going through the cafeteria line and telling every kid that Nixon was in favor of school on Saturdays ... It was my first political trick."

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Geographical origins

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