Photo of Stephen BALDWIN

Family tree of Stephen BALDWIN

Actor, Director

AmericanBorn Stephen Andrew BALDWIN

American actor, director, producer and author

Born on May 12, 1966 in Massapequa, New York , United States (58 years)

Family tree

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More information

Baldwin was born in Massapequa, New York. His mother is Carol Newcomb (née Martineau, born 1930), who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1990 and had a double mastectomy. His father was Alexander Rae Baldwin, Jr., (October 1927–April 1983), who died of lung cancer. Stephen Baldwin is the brother of notable actors, Alec, Daniel and William, sometimes collectively known as the "Baldwin brothers". Baldwin was raised in a Catholic family of Irish, English, and French descent. Baldwin has two sisters, Elizabeth Keuchler (born 1955) and Jane Sasso (born 1965). ...   Baldwin was born in Massapequa, New York. His mother is Carol Newcomb (née Martineau, born 1930), who was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1990 and had a double mastectomy. His father was Alexander Rae Baldwin, Jr., (October 1927–April 1983), who died of lung cancer. Stephen Baldwin is the brother of notable actors, Alec, Daniel and William, sometimes collectively known as the "Baldwin brothers". Baldwin was raised in a Catholic family of Irish, English, and French descent. Baldwin has two sisters, Elizabeth Keuchler (born 1955) and Jane Sasso (born 1965).

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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