Photo of Roger STAUBACH

Family tree of Roger STAUBACH

Industrialist, Businessman , American football

AmericanBorn Roger Thomas STAUBACH

American former star National Football League quarterback and current businessman

Born on February 5, 1942 in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA , United States (83 years)

Family tree

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Of German descent, Staubach was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and grew up in suburban Silverton, Ohio. He attended St. John the Evangelist Catholic School, and graduated from a Catholic high school, Purcell High School (now Purcell Marian High School).

After one year at New Mexico Military Institute, Staubach played quarterback for the U.S. Naval Academy. As a third-class midshipman (sophomore), he got his first opportunity to play in the third game of the season, against the University of Minnesota on October 6, 1962.

...   Of German descent, Staubach was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and grew up in suburban Silverton, Ohio. He attended St. John the Evangelist Catholic School, and graduated from a Catholic high school, Purcell High School (now Purcell Marian High School).

After one year at New Mexico Military Institute, Staubach played quarterback for the U.S. Naval Academy. As a third-class midshipman (sophomore), he got his first opportunity to play in the third game of the season, against the University of Minnesota on October 6, 1962.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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