Photo of Lord Randolph CHURCHILL

Family tree of Lord Randolph CHURCHILL

British Politician

EnglishBorn Randolph Henry SPENCER-CHURCHILL

British statesman, Chancellor of the Exchequer

Born on February 13, 1849 in Belgravia, London, England , United Kingdom

Died on January 24, 1895 in London, England

Family tree

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He was born at 3 Wilton Terrace, Belgravia, London. He was at first privately educated, and later attended Tabor's Preparatory School at Cheam, London. In January 1863 he went to Eton College, where he remained until July 1865. He did not stand out either at academic work or sport while at Eton; his contemporaries describe him as a vivacious and rather unruly boy. In October 1867 he matriculated at Merton College, Oxford. He had a liking for sport, but was also an avid reader, and obtained a second-class degree in jurisprudence and modern history in 1870. In 1871, Churchill and ...   He was born at 3 Wilton Terrace, Belgravia, London. He was at first privately educated, and later attended Tabor's Preparatory School at Cheam, London. In January 1863 he went to Eton College, where he remained until July 1865. He did not stand out either at academic work or sport while at Eton; his contemporaries describe him as a vivacious and rather unruly boy. In October 1867 he matriculated at Merton College, Oxford. He had a liking for sport, but was also an avid reader, and obtained a second-class degree in jurisprudence and modern history in 1870. In 1871, Churchill and his uncle George Spencer-Churchill were initiated into the rites of Freemasonry, as later his son Winston would be. In 1874 he was elected to Parliament as Conservative member for Woodstock, Oxfordshire defeating George Brodrick, a Fellow, and afterwards Warden, of Merton College. His maiden speech, delivered in his first session, prompted compliments from Harcourt and Disraeli, who wrote to the Queen of Churchill's 'energy and natural flow'.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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