Photo of Rufus P. SPALDING

Family tree of Rufus P. SPALDING

American politician

AmericanBorn Rufus Paine SPALDING

American politician, lawyer and judge from Ohio

Born on May 3, 1798 in West Tisbury, Massachusetts, USA , United States

Died on August 29, 1886 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Family tree

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Born in West Tisbury, Massachusetts, Spalding graduated from Yale College in 1817. After graduating, Spalding began his study of law as an apprentice under Zephaniah Swift. Swift was a prominent lawyer and judge from Connecticut, and the author of several legal "digests." During his apprenticeship, Swift was the sitting Chief Justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court. In December 1819, Spalding left New England and moved to Little Rock, Arkansas. In Little Rock, Spalding established a law practice with Samuel Dinsmoore. Spalding and Dismoore practiced law together for a year and a half before Spalding dissolved the partnership and left the ...   Born in West Tisbury, Massachusetts, Spalding graduated from Yale College in 1817. After graduating, Spalding began his study of law as an apprentice under Zephaniah Swift. Swift was a prominent lawyer and judge from Connecticut, and the author of several legal "digests." During his apprenticeship, Swift was the sitting Chief Justice of the Connecticut Supreme Court. In December 1819, Spalding left New England and moved to Little Rock, Arkansas. In Little Rock, Spalding established a law practice with Samuel Dinsmoore. Spalding and Dismoore practiced law together for a year and a half before Spalding dissolved the partnership and left the state. In 1821 Spalding moved to Warren, Ohio to continue practicing. He moved to Ravenna, Ohio in 1835 and, once again, commenced the practice of law.

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Geographical origins

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