Photo of J. Gregory SMITH

Family tree of J. Gregory SMITH

American politician, Industrialist, Businessman

AmericanBorn John Gregory SMITH

American railroad tycoon, politician, and the last Governor of Vermont during the Civil War

Born on July 22, 1818 in St. Albans, Vermont, USA , United States

Died on November 6, 1891 in St. Albans, Vermont, USA

Family tree

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More information

Smith was born in St. Albans, Vermont, son of Congressman John and Maria (Curtis) Smith. His father was a pioneer railroad builder in Vermont, and a leading lawyer and public man of his generation. Smith's brother Worthington served in the US House from 1867 to 1871, and his son Edward served as Governor from 1898 to 1900. Smith graduated from the University of Vermont in 1841, and subsequently Yale Law School. In 1842, he married Anne Eliza,daughter of U.S. Senator Lawrence Brainerd, who was prominent in her own right as the author of several novels and other books. After the ...   Smith was born in St. Albans, Vermont, son of Congressman John and Maria (Curtis) Smith. His father was a pioneer railroad builder in Vermont, and a leading lawyer and public man of his generation. Smith's brother Worthington served in the US House from 1867 to 1871, and his son Edward served as Governor from 1898 to 1900. Smith graduated from the University of Vermont in 1841, and subsequently Yale Law School. In 1842, he married Anne Eliza,daughter of U.S. Senator Lawrence Brainerd, who was prominent in her own right as the author of several novels and other books. After the death of her father, sometime around 1870, he named the town of Brainerd, Minnesota after his wife's maiden name.

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Geographical origins

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