Photo of Garry SHANDLING

Family tree of Garry SHANDLING

Actor, Author, Director

AmericanBorn Garry Emmanuel SHANDLING

American stand-up comedian, actor, director, writer, and producer

Born on November 29, 1949 in Chicago, Illinois , United States

Died on March 24, 2016 in Los Angeles, California , United States

Family tree

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More information

Shandling was born Garry Emmanuel Shandling in Chicago, Illinois, on November 29, 1949 to a Jewish family. He grew up in Tucson, Arizona, one of two sons of Irving Shandling, a print shop owner, and Muriel Estelle (née Singer), a pet store proprietor.

The family moved to Tucson so that Garry's older brother Barry could receive treatment for cystic fibrosis. Barry died of the disease when Garry was 10. Shandling attended Palo Verde High School.

...   Shandling was born Garry Emmanuel Shandling in Chicago, Illinois, on November 29, 1949 to a Jewish family. He grew up in Tucson, Arizona, one of two sons of Irving Shandling, a print shop owner, and Muriel Estelle (née Singer), a pet store proprietor.

The family moved to Tucson so that Garry's older brother Barry could receive treatment for cystic fibrosis. Barry died of the disease when Garry was 10. Shandling attended Palo Verde High School.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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