Family tree of Ludovico IL MORO
Italian politician
Born Ludovico Maria SFORZA
Duke of Milan
Born on April 3, 1451 in Vigevano , Italy
Died on May 27, 1508 in Loches , France
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Ludovico Sforza was born on July 27, 1452, at Vigevano, in what is now Lombardy. He was the second son of Francesco I Sforza and Bianca Maria Visconti and, as such, was not expected to become ruler of Milan. Nevertheless, his mother, Bianca, prudently saw to it that his education was not restricted to the classical languages. Under the tutelage of the humanist Francesco Filelfo, Ludovico received instruction in the beauties of painting, sculpture, and letters, but he was also taught the methods of government and warfare. He later helped Leonardo paint with pastels.
Ludovico Sforza was born on July 27, 1452, at Vigevano, in what is now Lombardy. He was the second son of Francesco I Sforza and Bianca Maria Visconti and, as such, was not expected to become ruler of Milan. Nevertheless, his mother, Bianca, prudently saw to it that his education was not restricted to the classical languages. Under the tutelage of the humanist Francesco Filelfo, Ludovico received instruction in the beauties of painting, sculpture, and letters, but he was also taught the methods of government and warfare. He later helped Leonardo paint with pastels.
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