Family tree of Ygnacio SEPULVEDA

Lawyer, judge

MexicanBorn Antonio Ygnacio SEPULVEDA

Mexican attorney and first Judge of Los Angeles County Superior Court

Born on July 1, 1842 in Pueblo de Los Ángeles, Alta California , Mexico

Died on December 2, 1916 in Los Angeles County, California , United States

Family tree

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More information

Ygnacio Sepulveda was born on July 1, 1842 in the Pueblo de Los Ángeles, Alta California, Mexico. He was the son of Jose Andres Sepulveda, grantee of Rancho San Joaquin in present day Orange County, and Francisca Avila. His grandfather was Francisco Sepulveda, the grantee of Rancho San Vicente in present day Los Angeles County. His early boyhood was spent in Los Angeles, but when older he was sent to prep schools in Boston, Massachusetts. ...   Ygnacio Sepulveda was born on July 1, 1842 in the Pueblo de Los Ángeles, Alta California, Mexico. He was the son of Jose Andres Sepulveda, grantee of Rancho San Joaquin in present day Orange County, and Francisca Avila. His grandfather was Francisco Sepulveda, the grantee of Rancho San Vicente in present day Los Angeles County. His early boyhood was spent in Los Angeles, but when older he was sent to prep schools in Boston, Massachusetts.

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Geographical origins

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