Photo of SEMPÉ

Family tree of SEMPÉ

Illustrator, Cartoonist, Scriptwriter of comics

FrenchBorn Jean-Jacques SEMPÉ

French cartoonist

Born on August 17, 1932 in Pessac, Gironde , France

Died on August 11, 2022

Family tree

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More information

He is known for the series of children's books he created with René Goscinny, Le petit Nicolas, and also for his poster-like illustrations, usually drawn from a distant or high viewpoint depicting detailed countrysides or cities.

...   He is known for the series of children's books he created with René Goscinny, Le petit Nicolas, and also for his poster-like illustrations, usually drawn from a distant or high viewpoint depicting detailed countrysides or cities.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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