Family tree of Augustin SCHOEFFLER
Born Augustin SCHOEFFLER
French saint and martyr in the Roman Catholic Church
Born on November 22, 1822 in Mittelbronn, Moselle , France
Died on May 1, 1851 in Sontay , Viet Nam
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Augustin Schoeffler was born on the 22 of November, 1822, in Mittlebronn, France. He was baptized the next day. From 1834-1842 he studied at the minor seminary of Pont-à-Mousson and the college of Phalsbourg. From 1842-1846 Schoeffler studied Philosophy at the major seminary of Nancy. On the 5 October 1846, he began training in the Seminary of Foreign Missions of Paris. On May 29, 1847 Augustin Schoeffler was ordained a priest in Paris.
Augustin Schoeffler was born on the 22 of November, 1822, in Mittlebronn, France. He was baptized the next day. From 1834-1842 he studied at the minor seminary of Pont-à-Mousson and the college of Phalsbourg. From 1842-1846 Schoeffler studied Philosophy at the major seminary of Nancy. On the 5 October 1846, he began training in the Seminary of Foreign Missions of Paris. On May 29, 1847 Augustin Schoeffler was ordained a priest in Paris.
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