Photo of Bernie SANDERS

Family tree of Bernie SANDERS

American politician

AmericanBorn Bernard SANDERS

American politician

Born on September 8, 1941 in New York City, New York, USA , United States (83 years)

Family tree

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Sanders was born on September 8, 1941, in Brooklyn, New York City. His father, Elias Ben Yehuda Sanders, was born on September 14, 1904, in Slopnice, Poland (then the Austro-Hungarian province of Galicia), to a Jewish family; in 1921, the 17-year-old Elias immigrated to the United States, where he became a paint salesman. His mother, Dorothy "Dora" Sanders (née Glassberg), was born in New York City on October 2, 1912, to Jewish immigrant parents from Poland and Russia.

Sanders became interested in politics at an early age: "A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932. He won an election, and 50 million people died as a result of that election in World War II, including 6 million Jews. So what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important."[nb 1] In the 1940s, many of Sanders' relatives in German-occupied Poland were killed in the Holocaust, including his father's half-brother, Bernie's uncle Abraham Schnützer, who was killed in 1942.

...   Sanders was born on September 8, 1941, in Brooklyn, New York City. His father, Elias Ben Yehuda Sanders, was born on September 14, 1904, in Slopnice, Poland (then the Austro-Hungarian province of Galicia), to a Jewish family; in 1921, the 17-year-old Elias immigrated to the United States, where he became a paint salesman. His mother, Dorothy "Dora" Sanders (née Glassberg), was born in New York City on October 2, 1912, to Jewish immigrant parents from Poland and Russia.

Sanders became interested in politics at an early age: "A guy named Adolf Hitler won an election in 1932. He won an election, and 50 million people died as a result of that election in World War II, including 6 million Jews. So what I learned as a little kid is that politics is, in fact, very important."[nb 1] In the 1940s, many of Sanders' relatives in German-occupied Poland were killed in the Holocaust, including his father's half-brother, Bernie's uncle Abraham Schnützer, who was killed in 1942.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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