Family tree of Edna ST. VINCENT MILLAY

Author, Poet

AmericanBorn Edna ST. VINCENT MILLAY

American lyrical poet and playwright, she received the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1923

Born on February 22, 1892 in Rockland, Maine, USA , United States

Died on October 19, 1950 in Austerlitz, New York, USA

Family tree

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More information

Millay was born in Rockland, Maine, to Cora Lounella Buzelle, a nurse, and Henry Tollman Millay, a schoolteacher who would later become a superintendent of schools. Her middle name derives from St. Vincent's Hospital in New York, where her uncle's life had been saved just before her birth. The family's house was "between the mountains and the sea where baskets of apples and drying herbs on the porch mingled their scents with those of the neighboring pine woods." In 1904, Cora officially divorced Millay's father for financial irresponsibility, but they had already been separated for some years. ...   Millay was born in Rockland, Maine, to Cora Lounella Buzelle, a nurse, and Henry Tollman Millay, a schoolteacher who would later become a superintendent of schools. Her middle name derives from St. Vincent's Hospital in New York, where her uncle's life had been saved just before her birth. The family's house was "between the mountains and the sea where baskets of apples and drying herbs on the porch mingled their scents with those of the neighboring pine woods." In 1904, Cora officially divorced Millay's father for financial irresponsibility, but they had already been separated for some years.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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