Photo of Jean-Christophe RUFIN

Family tree of Jean-Christophe RUFIN

Author, Physician, Ambassador, Diplomat, Civil servant

FrenchBorn Jean-Christophe RUFIN

French doctor, diplomat, historian, globetrotter and novelist

Born on June 28, 1952 in Bourges , France (72 years)

Family tree

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He is the president of Action Against Hunger, one of the earliest members of Médecins Sans Frontières, and a member of the Académie française.

An only child, he was raised by his grandparents as his father had left the family and his mother worked in Paris. His grandfather, a doctor and member of the French Resistance during World War II had been imprisoned for two years at Buchenwald.

...   He is the president of Action Against Hunger, one of the earliest members of Médecins Sans Frontières, and a member of the Académie française.

An only child, he was raised by his grandparents as his father had left the family and his mother worked in Paris. His grandfather, a doctor and member of the French Resistance during World War II had been imprisoned for two years at Buchenwald.

In 1977, after medical school, Rufin went to Tunisia as a volunteer doctor. He led his first humanitarian mission in Eritrea, where he met Azeb, who became his second wife.

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Geographical origins

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