Photo of Michelle PERROT

Family tree of Michelle PERROT


FrenchBorn Michelle Odile ROUX

French historian

Born on May 18, 1928 in Paris , France (96 years)

Family tree

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More information

She has worked on the history of labor movements, and studied with Ernest Labrousse, with Michel Foucault, and with Robert Badinter.

She is a pioneer in the emergence of women's history and gender studies in France. She edited with Georges Duby, Histoire des femmes en Occident ("History of women in the West"; 5 vols.), Plon, 1990–1991).

...   She has worked on the history of labor movements, and studied with Ernest Labrousse, with Michel Foucault, and with Robert Badinter.

She is a pioneer in the emergence of women's history and gender studies in France. She edited with Georges Duby, Histoire des femmes en Occident ("History of women in the West"; 5 vols.), Plon, 1990–1991).

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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