Family tree of Constant ROUX
Born Constant Ambroise ROUX
French sculptor
Born on April 20, 1865 in Marseille , France
Died on November 11, 1942 in Marseille , France
Family tree
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More information
Roux' parents ran a chemist shop and Roux started working at a young age for Achille Blanqui who was a furniture maker. Roux helped with the wood carving involved.
... Roux' parents ran a chemist shop and Roux started working at a young age for Achille Blanqui who was a furniture maker. Roux helped with the wood carving involved.
... Roux' parents ran a chemist shop and Roux started working at a young age for Achille Blanqui who was a furniture maker. Roux helped with the wood carving involved.
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Geographical origins
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