Family tree of Michel ROTH
Born Michel ROTH
French chef
Born on November 7, 1959 in Sarreguemines, France , France (65 years)
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Michel Roth began his training course at the Auberge de la Charrue d'Or in Sarreguemines, following at the Auberge de L'Ill in Illhaeusern and at Le Crocodile in Strasbourg, and at the restaurant Ledoyen in Paris. In 1981, he was hired as a chef assistant at the Hôtel Ritz Paris located at place Vendôme.
Michel Roth began his training course at the Auberge de la Charrue d'Or in Sarreguemines, following at the Auberge de L'Ill in Illhaeusern and at Le Crocodile in Strasbourg, and at the restaurant Ledoyen in Paris. In 1981, he was hired as a chef assistant at the Hôtel Ritz Paris located at place Vendôme.
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