Photo of Charles Martial GALLET

Family tree of Charles Martial GALLET


FrenchBorn Charles Martial GALLET

Co-founder of the French perfume company Roger & Gallet

Born on April 28, 1824 in Vire, Normandie , France

Died on November 12, 1901 in Paris , France

Family tree

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More information

In 1862, merchant Charles Armand Roger and banker Charles Martial Gallet purchased a Parisian perfumery business founded in 1806 by Jean Marie Joseph Farina, grand-grand-nephew of Giovanni Maria Farina, the creator of Eau de Cologne. Roger & Gallet then won a legal dispute over the right to use the Farina family name, and the company now owns the rights to Eau de Cologne extra vieille, in contrast to the Original Eau de Cologne from Cologne. ...   In 1862, merchant Charles Armand Roger and banker Charles Martial Gallet purchased a Parisian perfumery business founded in 1806 by Jean Marie Joseph Farina, grand-grand-nephew of Giovanni Maria Farina, the creator of Eau de Cologne. Roger & Gallet then won a legal dispute over the right to use the Farina family name, and the company now owns the rights to Eau de Cologne extra vieille, in contrast to the Original Eau de Cologne from Cologne.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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