Photo of Alvah Curtis ROEBUCK

Family tree of Alvah Curtis ROEBUCK

Industrialist, Businessman

AmericanBorn Alvah Curtis ROEBUCK

American manager, businessman, and the founder of Sears, Roebuck and Company

Born on January 9, 1864 in Lafayette, Indiana, USA , United States

Died on June 18, 1948 in Chicago, Illinois, USA

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Lafayette, Indiana-born Alvah Roebuck began work as a watchmaker in a Hammond, Indiana, jewelry store at age 22. On April 1, 1887, he answered an advertisement for a watchmaker in the Chicago Daily News, and two days later he received a reply from Richard Warren Sears, who wanted to hire him. Thus began the association of two men who would soon form one of the world's best-known business partnerships. The firm was incorporated as Sears, Roebuck and Company in 1893.

In 1895, Roebuck asked Sears to buy him out for about $20,000. Later when asked about his ex-partner's great wealth, and his own modest wealth he replied: "He's dead. Me, I never felt better."

...   Lafayette, Indiana-born Alvah Roebuck began work as a watchmaker in a Hammond, Indiana, jewelry store at age 22. On April 1, 1887, he answered an advertisement for a watchmaker in the Chicago Daily News, and two days later he received a reply from Richard Warren Sears, who wanted to hire him. Thus began the association of two men who would soon form one of the world's best-known business partnerships. The firm was incorporated as Sears, Roebuck and Company in 1893.

In 1895, Roebuck asked Sears to buy him out for about $20,000. Later when asked about his ex-partner's great wealth, and his own modest wealth he replied: "He's dead. Me, I never felt better."

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Geographical origins

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