Photo of Henri ROCHEREAU

Family tree of Henri ROCHEREAU

French Minister and Secretary of state (before French Fifth Republic)

FrenchBorn Henri Raoul Marie Victor ROCHEREAU

French politician

Born on March 25, 1908 in Chantonnay, Vendée , France

Died on January 25, 1999 in Paris , France

Family tree

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Henri Rochereau (25 March 1908 – 25 January 1999) was a French politician and European Commissioner.
Henri was the son of Victor Rochereau, a National Assembly of France député (deputy) for the Vendée department (1914–1942). Henri worked as a solicitors clerk and later in an exporting business.
In the 1988 French presidential election, he supported the right-wing National Front candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen.
...   Henri Rochereau (25 March 1908 – 25 January 1999) was a French politician and European Commissioner.
Henri was the son of Victor Rochereau, a National Assembly of France député (deputy) for the Vendée department (1914–1942). Henri worked as a solicitors clerk and later in an exporting business.
In the 1988 French presidential election, he supported the right-wing National Front candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen.

From 1949 to 1959 he was a member of the Senate of France for the Vendée department and a council leader for the canton of Les Essarts
From May 1959 to August 1961 Minister for Agriculture in the government of Michel Debré
From 1962 to 1970 he was Overseas Development Commissioner in the second Hallstein Commission, and from 1967, in the Rey Commission
From 1970 to 1986 he was President of the association of Large French Ports


Biography from Wikipedia (see original) under licence CC BY-SA 3.0


Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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