Photo of Tracy REED

Family tree of Tracy REED


EnglishBorn Clare Tracy Compton PELISSIER

English actress

Born on September 21, 1942 in London, Middlesex, England , United Kingdom

Died on May 2, 2012 in County Cork, Ireland

Family tree

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More information

Reed was born Clare Tracy Compton Pelissier, the daughter of the director Anthony Pelissier and actress Penelope Dudley-Ward; she took the surname of her stepfather, Sir Carol Reed, following her mother's remarriage in 1948. Reed is the granddaughter of the actress Fay Compton and the producer H.G. Pelissier and the socialite Freda Dudley Ward and William Dudley Ward. Her great-uncle was the novelist Sir Compton Mackenzie. Actor Oliver Reed was a step-cousin. ...   Reed was born Clare Tracy Compton Pelissier, the daughter of the director Anthony Pelissier and actress Penelope Dudley-Ward; she took the surname of her stepfather, Sir Carol Reed, following her mother's remarriage in 1948. Reed is the granddaughter of the actress Fay Compton and the producer H.G. Pelissier and the socialite Freda Dudley Ward and William Dudley Ward. Her great-uncle was the novelist Sir Compton Mackenzie. Actor Oliver Reed was a step-cousin.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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