Family tree of Richard CROMWELL
Born LeRoy Melivin RADABAUGH
American actor
Born on January 8, 1910 in Long Beach, California , United States
Died on October 11, 1960 in Hollywood, California , United States
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Cromwell was born LeRoy Melvin Radabaugh in Long Beach, California, the second of five children, to his mother Fay B. (nee Stocking) and his father, Ralph R. Radabaugh. Ralph Radabaugh was an inventor, who patented the invention of the "amusement park swing" ride, called the "Monoflyer", of which a variation can still be seen in use at most carnivals today. Radabaugh died suddenly from influenza during the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918, when Cromwell was still in grade school.
Cromwell was born LeRoy Melvin Radabaugh in Long Beach, California, the second of five children, to his mother Fay B. (nee Stocking) and his father, Ralph R. Radabaugh. Ralph Radabaugh was an inventor, who patented the invention of the "amusement park swing" ride, called the "Monoflyer", of which a variation can still be seen in use at most carnivals today. Radabaugh died suddenly from influenza during the Spanish flu pandemic in 1918, when Cromwell was still in grade school.
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