Photo of Elizabeth P. FARRINGTON

Family tree of Elizabeth P. FARRINGTON

American politician, Publisher, Producer

AmericanBorn Mary Elizabeth PRUETT

Publisher of the Honolulu Star-Bulletin and an American statesman who served as delegate to the United States Congress for the Territory of Hawaii

Born on May 30, 1898 in Tokyo, Japan

Died on July 21, 1984 in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Family tree

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Farrington was born in Tokyo to American parents on May 30, 1898. She attended Tokyo Foreign School before moving back to the United States. She attended grammar schools in Nashville, Tennessee, El Paso, Texas and Los Angeles, California. After graduating from Hollywood High School, Farrington obtained a degree from Ward-Belmont Junior College of Nashville in 1916. She went on to the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where she met her husband. She graduated from Wisconsin in 1918. Newly married, she settled in Honolulu. She became a newspaper correspondent for the Honolulu Star-Bulletin through 1957. ...   Farrington was born in Tokyo to American parents on May 30, 1898. She attended Tokyo Foreign School before moving back to the United States. She attended grammar schools in Nashville, Tennessee, El Paso, Texas and Los Angeles, California. After graduating from Hollywood High School, Farrington obtained a degree from Ward-Belmont Junior College of Nashville in 1916. She went on to the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where she met her husband. She graduated from Wisconsin in 1918. Newly married, she settled in Honolulu. She became a newspaper correspondent for the Honolulu Star-Bulletin through 1957.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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