Family tree of Jean-Baptiste PRÉVOST DE SANSAC DE TRAVERSAY

French Revolution & Empire, 19th Century, Politician in the French Ancien Régime

FrenchBorn Auguste Jean-Baptiste PRÉVOST DE SANSAC DE TRAVERSAY

French creole seaman who distinguished himself in the ranks of Royal French Navy during American Revolutionary War

Born on July 23, 1754 in Le Diamant, Martinique, France , France

Died on May 19, 1831 in Romanshina, Russie

Family tree

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More information

Jean-Baptiste Prevost de Sansac de Traversay was born in the French Caribbean island of Martinique, the first of nine children of Jean-Francois and Claire de Traversay. His mother owned sizable sugar cane plantations; father, Jean-Francois chevallieu de Traversay (1725–1776) was a French Navy lieutenant stationed in Martinique who later became a military governor of this island. Jean-Francois's mother belonged to an old naval family of Duquesne; her direct ancestry included captain-armator Abraham Duquesne (1570–1635) and admiral Abraham Duquesne-Guitton (1651–1724). The title of Prevost de Sansac de Traversay was traced to chevallier Hugh Prevost (d. 1086). ...   Jean-Baptiste Prevost de Sansac de Traversay was born in the French Caribbean island of Martinique, the first of nine children of Jean-Francois and Claire de Traversay. His mother owned sizable sugar cane plantations; father, Jean-Francois chevallieu de Traversay (1725–1776) was a French Navy lieutenant stationed in Martinique who later became a military governor of this island. Jean-Francois's mother belonged to an old naval family of Duquesne; her direct ancestry included captain-armator Abraham Duquesne (1570–1635) and admiral Abraham Duquesne-Guitton (1651–1724). The title of Prevost de Sansac de Traversay was traced to chevallier Hugh Prevost (d. 1086).

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Geographical origins

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