Family tree of Sean PENN

Actor, Director

AmericanBorn Sean Justin PENN

American actor, screenwriter and film director

Born on August 17, 1960 in Los Angeles, California, USA , United States (64 years)

Family tree

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More information

Penn was born in Los Angeles County, California, the middle son of actor and director Leo Penn and actress Eileen Ryan (née Annucci). His older brother is musician Michael Penn. His younger brother, actor Chris Penn, died in 2006. His paternal grandparents were Jewish emigrants from Lithuania and Russia, while his mother is a Catholic of Italian and Irish descent. Penn was raised in a secular home and is an agnostic. He attended Santa Monica High School and began making short films with some of his childhood friends, including actors Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen, who lived near his home. ...   Penn was born in Los Angeles County, California, the middle son of actor and director Leo Penn and actress Eileen Ryan (née Annucci). His older brother is musician Michael Penn. His younger brother, actor Chris Penn, died in 2006. His paternal grandparents were Jewish emigrants from Lithuania and Russia, while his mother is a Catholic of Italian and Irish descent. Penn was raised in a secular home and is an agnostic. He attended Santa Monica High School and began making short films with some of his childhood friends, including actors Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen, who lived near his home.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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