Family tree of INNOCENT X


ItalianBorn Giovanni Battista PAMPHILJ

Pope from 15 September 1644 to his death in 1655

Born on May 6, 1574 in Roma, Italia

Died on January 7, 1655 in Roma, Italia

Family tree

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Born in Rome of a family from Gubbio in Umbria who had come to Rome during the pontificate of Pope Innocent IX, he graduated from the Collegio Romano and followed a conventional cursus honorum, following his uncle Girolamo Pamphilj as auditor of the Rota, and like him, attaining the dignity of Cardinal-Priest of Sant'Eusebio, in 1629. ...   Born in Rome of a family from Gubbio in Umbria who had come to Rome during the pontificate of Pope Innocent IX, he graduated from the Collegio Romano and followed a conventional cursus honorum, following his uncle Girolamo Pamphilj as auditor of the Rota, and like him, attaining the dignity of Cardinal-Priest of Sant'Eusebio, in 1629.

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Geographical origins

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