Photo of Samuel OSGOOD

Family tree of Samuel OSGOOD

American politician

AmericanBorn Samuel OSGOOD

American merchant and statesman, 1st United States Postmaster General

Born on February 3, 1747 in Andover, Massachusetts, British America

Died on August 12, 1813 in New York City, New York, USA

Family tree

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John Osgood came to Massachusetts from Andover in England in 1638. In 1646 he started a new settlement there and named it Andover for his home town. Four generations later, Captain Peter Osgood lived there and in 1748 he had a third son whom he named Samuel.

Samuel attended Dummer Academy (now The Governor's Academy), and then Harvard College, where he studied theology and graduated in 1770. But he returned to Andover (changed to North Andover, Massachusetts on April 7, 1855) and followed a mercantile career. He joined the local militia, was elected to represent the town in the colonial assembly and in 1775 to the provincial congress that functioned as a revolutionary government.

...   John Osgood came to Massachusetts from Andover in England in 1638. In 1646 he started a new settlement there and named it Andover for his home town. Four generations later, Captain Peter Osgood lived there and in 1748 he had a third son whom he named Samuel.

Samuel attended Dummer Academy (now The Governor's Academy), and then Harvard College, where he studied theology and graduated in 1770. But he returned to Andover (changed to North Andover, Massachusetts on April 7, 1855) and followed a mercantile career. He joined the local militia, was elected to represent the town in the colonial assembly and in 1775 to the provincial congress that functioned as a revolutionary government.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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