Charles O'BRIEN

Family tree of Charles O'BRIEN

Marshal of France

IrishBorn Charles O'BRIEN

Irish military officer in French service

Born on March 17, 1699 in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France , France

Died on September 9, 1761 in Montpellier, France

Family tree

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More information

Charles O'Brien was the son of Charles O'Brien, 5th Viscount Clare and Charlotte Bulkeley. He fought for France against Spain in 1718 with the rank of colonel in the service of his father's regiment and later fought in the War of the Polish Succession in the Siege of Philippsburg in June 1734, where he was wounded. He gained the rank of Maréchal de Camp in 1735 in the service of the King's Armies. O'Brien also fought in the Battle of Dettingen in 1743 and in the Battle of Fontenoy in 1745. ...   Charles O'Brien was the son of Charles O'Brien, 5th Viscount Clare and Charlotte Bulkeley. He fought for France against Spain in 1718 with the rank of colonel in the service of his father's regiment and later fought in the War of the Polish Succession in the Siege of Philippsburg in June 1734, where he was wounded. He gained the rank of Maréchal de Camp in 1735 in the service of the King's Armies. O'Brien also fought in the Battle of Dettingen in 1743 and in the Battle of Fontenoy in 1745.

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Geographical origins

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