Danny Sue NOLAN

Family tree of Danny Sue NOLAN


AmericanBorn Danny Sue NOLAN

American actress

Born on February 28, 1923 in Denver, Colorado, USA , United States

Died on August 3, 2002 in Palm Springs, California, USA

Family tree

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More information

Nolan is familiar to modern viewers for her role as the accidentally de-clothed neighbor Gertie Duggan in the Three Stooges film Gents in a Jam. She also had many bit parts in several television shows such as I Love Lucy, The Brady Bunch, The Fugitive and The Donna Reed Show. ...   Nolan is familiar to modern viewers for her role as the accidentally de-clothed neighbor Gertie Duggan in the Three Stooges film Gents in a Jam. She also had many bit parts in several television shows such as I Love Lucy, The Brady Bunch, The Fugitive and The Donna Reed Show.

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Geographical origins

The map below shows the places where the ancestors of the famous person lived.

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