Family tree of Imre NAGY
Politician from other European country
Born Imre NAGY
Hungarian communist politician who served as Prime Minister
Born on June 7, 1896 in Kaposvar, Somogy , Hungary
Died on June 16, 1958 in Budapest , Hungary
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More information
Nagy was a devout communist functionary since the Russian Revolution and served the Soviet NKVD secret police as an informer from 1933 to 1941, denouncing over 200 colleagues, who were then purged and arrested and 15 of whom were executed.
Nagy was a devout communist functionary since the Russian Revolution and served the Soviet NKVD secret police as an informer from 1933 to 1941, denouncing over 200 colleagues, who were then purged and arrested and 15 of whom were executed.
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Geographical origins
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